The use of herbs in folk cosmetology and medicine has long been firmly established in the lives of most modern women. Such techniques occupy a leading place among natural and eco-friendly methods of wellness. Phytotherapy is used not only for cosmetic or preventive purposes, but also for the complex treatment of a wide variety of diseases, including those related to obesity and cellulite. The most important and valuable property of herbal medicine is considered to be the naturalness and safety of "herbal medicines", in comparison with "chemical" ones from the pharmacy. Whether everything is really rosy, which weight loss fees are really effective, and which ones can even do harm - we will deal with all this in our article.Weight Loss Collection - how does it work?In folk medicine, there are a huge number of medicinal plants and collections of them intended for weight loss, and to understand their principle of action, we will give their classification. The first group of plants reduces appetite when ingested in the human stomach. The general principle of action is to suppress the natural reflex of hunger and the onset of false satiety. This group of "herbal medicines" has its own limits of real impact on the body - they can quite reduce appetite and a slight feeling of hunger, but they cannot satisfy the real need for food, which the human body declares very sharply. This type of plant usually includes parsley and flax seeds, corn stigmas and kelp, partly fennel and nettle. As a rule, "appetite-reducing" plants are included in every modern weight loss collection that is sold at the pharmacy.The second group of herbal medicines is choleretic. As the name already implies, their principle of action is based on the harmonization of the gallbladder, which in turn stimulates the proper function of the entire gastrointestinal tract. When using such herbs, the body actively gets rid of harmful waste products, called "slags" in the common people. This group includes wormwood, angelica and even ordinary garden parsley.The third group of herbs for weight loss are diuretic plants. Such herbal medicines have a moisture-wicking effect, which allows you to quickly lose weight. Quite a lot of herbs belong to this group, but the most popular in domestic medicine are herbs for weight loss: burdock, lingonberry, field or meadow horsetail.The fourth group, especially popular among domestic fans of herbal medicine, are laxative plants. The principle of action of such herbs, which are included in most weight loss preparations, is not the rapid elimination of eaten food, but rather the cleansing of the intestines from toxins and speeding up metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on weight loss in the long term. These include hay, dill, anise and partly medicinal chamomile.The fifth group is fat-burning herbs, which usually include ginger, alfalfa, dandelion, turmeric and a number of less effective plants. As a rule, as part of the collections, these herbs improve the absorption of food, which, against the background of accelerated metabolism, allows you to break down fat cells. There is an opinion that such herbal preparations can remove fat, which is called targeted, that is, for example, from the waist or hips. Unfortunately, this is not the case, but the overall effect is undoubtedly present with proper application and additional sports activities.Of all the above types of herbs, pharmacy and home weight loss preparations are made up. Their effect is based on the complexity and consistency of the therapeutic effect with an emphasis on any of the problematic aspects, for example, laxative function or fat burning.Effective weight loss preparations It is important to remember one immutable truth - the use of plants for weight loss gives a slow, but quite good and lasting result. High expectations can lead to disappointment in the phytotherapy of obesity, and this is natural, so you should initially set yourself up for a long process with gradual results. As long-term practice shows, the use of fees on average allows you to burn about a kilogram per week, which, coupled with the absence of "excess skin" and a bad mood, as with strict diets, is a very good indicator.For the most stable and harmonious result, you should first consult with a nutritionist or phytotherapist, who will advise a specific weight loss collection from a fairly wide, extensive assortment. This, among other things, will avoid unnecessary financial costs for advertised brands, and, as a maximum, will save you from acquiring frankly useless, or even harmful "garbage".Let's take for example the Monastery fee, which is actively promoted on the market of weight loss products, which is sold in a beautiful package and costs a lot of money. At the same time, the effectiveness of this herbal mixture is very low, and most of the reviews on the Internet are of a customized advertising nature. The second example is Herbal Tea No. 3, which is also very popular, but at the same time more effective and several times cheaper than "Monastic". In short, it's easy to get lost in the numerous offers on the pharmacy market. You can prepare the collection yourself, of course, strictly observing the proportions and rules of use. Here are two effective recipes for homemade "herbal weight loss" that are available to almost every woman.The recipe for home collection No. 1 This collection has proven itself perfectly for the first attempt to lose weight on herbs. It cleans the slagged intestines well and gently, removes excess fluid (this is important for clarity of the result), normalizes digestion and, most importantly, sleep mode. To prepare this collection, all the ingredients are taken in equal parts - dandelion, dill with parsley, mint and hay leaves. The resulting mixture should be sealed in a jar and stored in a dark place, used in portions of 30 grams at a time, which should be poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for fifteen minutes. The cooled "medicine" for weight loss should be filtered and add two or three tablespoons of honey. Take this decoction according to the half-cup scheme before meals, but with an important caveat - no more than four times a day, that is, not before every meal, if you use a fractional nutrition system.Home collection recipe No.2This "medicine" is suitable for active women who are not limited to losing weight with herbs alone, and are engaged in fitness. It perfectly stimulates metabolism, increases immunity and tones up the work of the whole body. There is also some positive effect on skin rejuvenation. It is also prepared from several ingredients in equal proportions - dandelion, dried ginger (it is better to take the already crushed root), dried horseradish and high-quality green tea. For one hundred grams of such a "slimming-toning" mixture, add a liter of boiling water and keep in the bath for 20 minutes. Take also half a glass before meals, for greater effect, in addition to honey, you can add the juice of a whole lemon to this decoction.Warnings when using herbs for weight loss - it is important to know!In order not to get undesirable consequences, side effects and allergic reactions associated with weight loss fees, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions. Ideally, the entire course of such herbal medicine should be prescribed by a qualified doctor, but in any case, the approach to taking medicines should be systematic and strict. In no case should you use fees in excess of the norm, even if you missed one or two doses, it is better to extend the course a little.The optimal period for that course of "herbal medicine" is considered to be a period of two months, after which you need to take a mandatory break, usually for two weeks, or you can take a month. If you experience allergies, prolonged ill health or constant fatigue, the weight loss course with the help of herbal preparations should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor for an examination. It is categorically not necessary to use fat-burning preparations during pregnancy and during the feeding period, and with maximum caution - in the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs. Снять шлюху в Фео можно на сайтах проститутки феодосия - путаны на берегу моря в отпуске в Крыму.

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